Bouquet of Peonies
A wonderful gift for an occasion or a heavenly treat to yourself, either way, huge smiles will be flowing with our stunning Peony Bouquets.
Recieve a box a beautiful hand picked peonies, delivered straight to your door or gift a bouquet to a loved one.
Make sure you don't miss out as these sensational flowers are only around for 6 weeks of the year...!
Your Peony Bouquet
Your hand picked peonies will come in carefully packaged box that contains 15 stems.
Depending on what is blooming the week of your delivery, you will either recieve a combination of varieties or a single variety such as the Old Faithfull peony for example, that works better on its own rather then as part of a bouquet.
Our varieties include Alertie; Coral Sunset; Coral Charm; Miss America; Old Faithful; Duchesse de Nemours; Sarah Bernhardt; Jacorma and Snow Mountain.
The Peony season usually begins in the middle of May and finishes at the end of June.